Sunday, May 3, 2009

Here's a promised picture from Talladega Race ending. Four drivers were madly racing to the end of the race. Keselowski tried to pass Carl Edwards, who was doing blocking moves (all while going close to 190 m.p.h!). Keselowski pulled up and Carl tried to pull over and they got together. Carl's car headed up the track in the air and Newman's car punted him up and the car rolled along the fence. As you can see it did a real job on the fence.
After Talledega we headed to Byron GA to have our RV water heater fixed. Just as we pulled
in the shifter panel went blank and we couldn't move the RV. Turns out the shifter panel went bad right in front of the repair shop with only 50 miles left on the warranty. Thank you Lord!
We spend 3 days there and visited Andersonville (the notorous confederate POW camp). Over 30,000 men lived on 26 acres with nothing but tents, and a creek for water and toilet. The picture shows a mock up of part of the walls. After 3 days (2 nights in hotels, we 3 dogs!) we headed to Richmond for the races. We met Jeff Burton at Walmart. What a gracious individual. He spent lots of time with the kids waiting in line for his signature.
We are now headed to Yorktown VA and then on the S.C. (Darlington track - the track too tough to tame or also called the lady in Black).

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