Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Charleston and Myrtle Beach, SC

We spent 5/2 at Ft. Sumter (the first battle of the civil war [picture is of a cannon at fort]) and at the Citadel (southern military college). Just so happened, we stumbled onto their preparations for graduation the next day at the Citadel, so we got to see a special military parade on the parade field - the handing over of the control from the seniors to the juniors. (picture below) On 5/3 we went to the Cypress Gardens where Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" was filmed. Roy is on a bridge in the swamp built for the movie. On 5/4 we drove north to Myrtle Beach. On Roy's birthday (5/5) we went to the beach and went out to a fabulous Italiam restaurant. Today we just relaxed in the sun.

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